Our Online Marketing ABC


From A like Ad Impressions to U like URL – here you’ll discover a variety of terms that are crucial in the field of online marketing. Simply click on a letter to find a comprehensive list of all words starting with that letter.

A.    B.    C.   D.     E.     F.     G.     H.     I.     J.     K.    L.    M.     N.     O.     P.     Q.     R.     S.     T.     U.    V.     W.    X.     Y.     Z.


Ad Impressions

Advertising Repetition Wonder 🔄
Ad impressions tell us how often an ad has appeared on the internet. In a way, it is the tally master for advertisements. The view counts of an ad only tally the impressions, which means that no conclusions can be drawn about whether users clicked on the ad or even noticed it.


Ads is the short form for advertisements and specifically refers to online advertising. These ads appear in various places on the internet, such as on social media, websites, before videos, etc., and take on diverse formats like banners, pop-ups, videos, or text links.

Affiliate Marketing

Two partners work hand in hand here: the website operator (affiliate) and the company (merchant). The affiliate generously provides advertising space on their website, where the merchant promotes their offerings—be it in the form of links, banners, or other creative content. The affiliate receives a commission from the merchant when a user who was redirected from the website actually makes a purchase. Affiliate marketing is also widely used in influencer marketing, such as “You can buy the product through the link in the description box.”

AI-Driven Advertising

AI-driven advertising refers to advertising strategies that use artificial intelligence (AI) to develop and optimize personalized and effective ad campaigns. Using machine learning, AI analyzes data, detects patterns, and adjusts advertising efforts in real time. The main goal is to refine audience targeting and maximize advertising performance.


(Brand) Awareness

Brand awareness is the recognition of a brand. Often expressed as a percentage, this metric tells you how many people (within your target audience) remember and recognize your brand. The number one goal is, of course, always: as many as possible!

Bid Management

Bid management is the master class in SEM, but also a hot act in display advertising. Here, you hand over the power of money to a software, which automatically controls and optimizes campaign bids to achieve the best results for your predefined goals, such as maximizing clicks. For example, an optimal click price is set for each keyword to achieve the desired results as cost-effectively as possible.


Bing is a search engine from Microsoft (Yes, there are actually alternatives to Google!). It allows users to search the internet for information, images, and videos. As a cool alternative to other search engines, Bing offers daily background images, video previews, and even search results from social networks.


Previously, the online diary with your BFF, a fashion blog for the first fashionistas, or strange places for weird underground movements. Today, blogs have also made their way into the business world and are a valuable collection of articles on a specific topic for companies—usually as part of the company website, sometimes independently. The fact is, anyone can create a blog—whether it’s the neighbor next door, a busy company, or maybe even a secret club of dog groomers.


Call to Action

This is that little snippet of text that tells you, “Do it!!” A “call to action” is a prompt that you encounter in advertising, for example. An example would be an invitation to sign up for a newsletter—”Subscribe to our newsletter now!” A small trick with a big impact!


The image carousel on Swipe 🔄📷
A carousel is a post on Facebook or Instagram consisting of multiple images. In the user’s feed, only one photo is displayed, but swiping right allows users to view additional images. The first image arouses curiosity and encourages swiping right.

Click Through Rate

The art of clicks in online marketing 🖱️📈
The “Click Through Rate” (CTR) is the art of clicks in online marketing. This metric measures the ratio of clicks, for example on an ad, to the total impressions. It helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign. A higher CTR generally indicates better relevance and ad performance.


The digital gathering of like-minded individuals 👥🌐
People within a community share the same goals or passion for certain activities! A community can exist offline or online. For example: The “Swifties,” a well-known social media community of avid Taylor Swift fans who engage online about their idol. Here, a digital heartbeat is shared!

Content Marketing

In content marketing, the name says it all! The goal is to provide the target audience with high-quality content that adds real value. This can include images, texts, and videos. Trust is built, expertise is demonstrated, and customer loyalty is fostered.


The magical moment in online marketing 🌐💼
A conversion occurs in online marketing when website visitors take a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. Measuring conversions is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of digital applause! 🎉📊
The conversion rate is the percentage of digital applause. It measures how effectively a website or marketing campaign turns visitors into paying customers and is calculated by the ratio of conversions (such as purchases or sign-ups) to the total number of website visitors.


Cookies (Yes, we’ll refrain from the now very tired cookie joke :D) are small text files that websites store on users’ devices. They contain information such as preferences, session, or login data. In online advertising, cookies are also used to track user behavior and provide personalized ads.

Cost per Action

Cost per Action (CPA) describes the costs that a company pays per action taken by users. Examples of actions include a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Cost per Click

A Cost per Click (CPC) simply describes the price advertisers pay for each click on their ads by users.

Cost per Impression

Cost per Impression (CPM) is the billing model where advertisers pay for each instance their ad is displayed, regardless of whether users click on the ad or not.

Cost per Lead

Cost per Lead (CPL) is the billing model where advertisers pay for the generation of customer contacts. In this model, payment is not based on sales or clicks but rather on each successful contact made by users.

Cost per Mille

997… 998… 999… 1000 – Now the cash register rings! Cost per Mille (CPM) is a billing model in advertising where the cost is calculated for one thousand impressions or displays. It is also referred to as “Cost Per Thousand” (CPT).

Customer Journey

The journey through the land of customer experiences 🌐🧭
The term Customer Journey describes the process that users go through from the initial contact with a brand to the purchase or conversion. The individual points of contact are also called “touchpoints.” Visualization is done through a Customer Journey Map.


Display Ads

Display ads are visual advertising assets displayed on websites or within apps. These can be simple images, videos, or GIFs, often accompanied by text elements. The primary goal of display ads is to present or position a company online.


Here you will soon find more explainable words starting with the letter E.



Facebook is a social media platform owned by the company Meta, which allows users to stay in touch by sharing content such as images and videos. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is now one of the most significant platforms for running social media advertisements.


The endless content stream 🔄📱
A feed is like an endless content stream that can be almost infinitely expanded by “scrolling down.” Here you will find various articles, posts, videos, and ads. Algorithms ensure that the feed is tailored to your preferences. For example, if you’re a cat lover, you’ll likely encounter plenty of cat videos and posts. The feed is where social media magic happens!


The loyal companions 🌟👥
Followers are subscribers of a profile, such as friends, acquaintances, or companies. They follow the profile to always receive the latest and most up-to-date content and information, making it easier to interact as well. Influencers would be nothing without followers!


Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform provided by Google. Companies can place ads in Google search results and on partner websites through this platform. These ads can be targeted based on search queries. Whether it’s text ads, display ads, video ads, or app ads, there’s a spot on Google’s stage for everyone (if you bring the appropriate budget 😉).

Google Analytics

The look behind the scenes 📊🔍
Google Analytics provides the look behind the scenes. This free web analytics tool from Google allows website owners a detailed insight into the behavior of website visitors. Essential for (online) marketing purposes to take targeted actions. Here, the curtain is lifted!

Google Tag Manager

The Google Tag Manager is a service provided by Google that allows the implementation of tracking codes and tags without the need to modify the source code. This enables various tracking activities (such as conversion tracking) to be carried out and allows the data to be used for corresponding marketing purposes. It’s the magician that makes everything possible!



The hashtag with keyword magic #️⃣✨
Hashtag is composed of two English words: “Hash” means hash sign and “Tag” translates as keyword. A hashtag is thus a hash sign with a keyword. And that’s exactly how it’s understood! Hashtags are primarily used in social networks. Here, keywords are used after the hash sign to describe the image or content. There should be no spaces or punctuation marks between the individual words, otherwise only the first word will be linked as a hashtag. After individual hashtags, you can then search in the search bar and all content described with that hashtag will be displayed. #nowyoureahashtagprofi ????



The Social Media Stars 🌟📱
An influencer is a person who is active on social media, has many followers, and shares content on specific topics – ranging from sharing everyday life to positioning in certain niches. Through their strong presence and high credibility, they can influence the opinions and perspectives of their community. Companies leverage this in influencer marketing by having influencers recommend products or services based on their authenticity and credibility.


The visual diary 📸💬
Instagram is a social media platform owned by Meta that allows users to share photos and videos. It serves as a kind of visual diary where individual posts can be personalized using various filters and hashtags. Interaction is facilitated through likes and comments, creating a digital community where users showcase their creative expressions. In this virtual world, each user plays the lead role in their own visual blockbuster.

Instagram/ Facebook Post

A post on Instagram or Facebook, also known simply as a “post,” is digital content that users publish on their social profile. This post can include photos, videos, or text and is viewed by the user’s followers. The interactive features such as likes and comments allow followers to react to the post and strengthen social connections. As long as the user does not delete the post, it remains permanently visible on the profile. This process reflects the dynamic world of social media, where content is shared and communities are built. ???? #DigitalLife

Instagram/ Facebook Story

The brief history 📖🌟
A story is a temporary post on Instagram or Facebook that can be viewed online for 24 hours. After 24 hours, users can save the story in their highlights to be able to view it again. A fleeting digital tale!


Here you will soon find more explainable words starting with the letter J.



Keywords, also known as key terms or phrases, are the words you use to search in a search engine to find information, products, or services. Since they form the basis for search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (SEA), and content creation, they play a crucial role in online marketing. Therefore, companies select keywords for their products very carefully to improve their visibility and ensure that users can find them when making relevant search queries.


KPI is the abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator. These metrics measure the success of marketing activities or a company. Clicks, Conversion Rate, Click Through Rate (CTR) are examples. They serve to monitor progress and adjust actions accordingly.



The first impression counts! 🏞️👀
A (campaign) landing page is a specific page of a website that users arrive at after, for example, clicking on an advertisement. It should be well-designed and contain all the important information, as it represents the first contact with a company or product and can influence the decision to make a purchase or not.


A lead in online marketing can be equated with a potential customer. They voluntarily provide their information – for example, within a contact form – indicating interest in a product or service. With the help of this collected data, companies can target advertising and provide offers accordingly.


The digital connection 🌐🔗
A link or hyperlink is a connection between various resources on the internet, such as web pages, documents, or multimedia content. By clicking on a link, users can seamlessly navigate from one resource to another. Links are fundamental to the structure of the World Wide Web and facilitate access to diverse information in the digital space.


Metadata (SEO)

Metadata, in simple terms, act as teasers: On the SERP (Search Engine Results Page), they succinctly inform you about the content you can expect when clicking on a result. They consist of a title and a description (Description).


Native Advertising

The chameleon of advertising 🎭📰
Native advertising refers to a form of advertising where ads are designed to blend in seamlessly with the actual content of the website. They integrate naturally into the website and aim to enhance and provide a more authentic user experience.


Online Marketing

Your goal is to capture the attention of your target audience, increase your visibility, generate traffic, and ultimately achieve conversions? Online marketing is your way to go! This involves strategically utilizing digital channels, platforms, and tools to promote products, services, or brands on the internet. Various techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, and online advertising are used in this process.


On-Page optimization is a term from the SEO field. On-Page optimization includes all optimization measures made to a webpage to increase the visibility of the page as well as conversions. Besides content, technical aspects also play a crucial role. The counterpart to On-Page optimization is Off-Page optimization.


Off-Page optimization is a part of search engine optimization and includes all measures taken outside of one’s own website. The focus includes building backlinks. It’s not just the quantity that matters, but also the quality of the linking websites.


Page Impressions

Page Impressions, also known as Page Views, are a metric in online marketing that reflects the total number of website views. It does not matter if the same user visited the page multiple times or how often they did so. This metric can serve as an indicator of a website’s popularity.

Paid Media

Advertising that comes at a cost 💸📺
Paid Media encompasses all paid advertising efforts on the internet, including advertising on search engines (Search Engine Advertising) and on social platforms (Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, etc.).

Performance Marketing

Data, numbers, action! 📊🚀
Performance Marketing refers to a marketing strategy where success is measured based on measurable performance indicators, such as conversions and clicks. The goal is to directly and effectively increase predefined actions through targeted, data-driven campaigns.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising is an automated method for purchasing digital advertising space. Algorithms use data to optimize ads in real-time, resulting in more efficient and targeted advertising campaigns.


The appearance on the stage of the internet 🌐🎤
Publishing is the act of releasing content where changes are made offline in the backend and then made accessible online to the public.


QR Code

QR codes are those black-and-white boxes that you can scan with your smartphone to access content. In technical terms, QR code stands for Quick Response Codes and is defined as two-dimensional graphics that can be read by machines. Typically, these codes contain URLs, texts, or files that are accessed once the QR code is scanned – for example, with a smartphone camera. They facilitate the connection between digital resources and physical objects, such as product packaging or flyers.



Retargeting is like the internet stalker with good intentions. After you’ve visited a website, it’s like saying, “Hey, I noticed you were here.” “Don’t forget, you still have those cool sneakers in your shopping cart!” It’s like a friendly reminder that follows you across different platforms so you don’t forget what caught your eye while browsing the web. 🕵️‍♂️✨



Search Engine Advertising (SEA) involves placing advertisements in search engines such as Google and Bing. Typically, advertisers pay for clicks (Cost per Click – CPC) or for ad impressions per thousand views (Cost per Mille – CPM). Paid ads appear in the top three search results at the top or bottom of the search results page and are marked with the label “Ad/Sponsored.” In addition to text ads, display ads are also part of SEA.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and refers to the practices both on and off a website that aim to maximize its visibility and ranking in the organic (unpaid) search results of search engines.

SEM/Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a subset of online marketing that includes both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA). SEM is the key to launching successfully on the web. It involves promoting your website, selling products, and generating a significant amount of traffic.


SERP stands for Search Engine Result Page and is the English term for the search results page of a search engine after a search query triggered by the user.

Social Media Ads

A Social Media Ad is an advertisement on social media platforms. It is designed to reach a specific target audience and can appear in various formats: images, videos, carousels, stories, etc.

Social Media Ads are often used to increase brand awareness, promote products, foster engagement, or achieve conversions. Targeting of the audience can be selected based on demographic, geographic characteristics, as well as interests.



Targeting refers to the alignment of advertising efforts specifically towards certain target audiences. Various characteristics such as demographics, geography, etc., are used to create suitable advertising materials for the respective target audience. Especially in the realm of paid advertising, targeting is indispensable for minimizing waste and using the advertising budget more efficiently.

Target group

In the field of (online) marketing, a target audience refers to the entirety of all recipients who are intended to be addressed by an advertising message. Advertisers segment their target audience based on various criteria and conduct a detailed analysis. The goal is to minimize waste. For example, in an advertisement for ice cream, the aim is to primarily target people who enjoy eating ice cream/sweets. Designing the advertisement to appeal to people who would never buy ice cream makes less sense.


TikTok is one of many social media platforms with addictive potential. It is a video-sharing app where primarily short clips, with a maximum length of 60 seconds, are uploaded. Anyone with a free account can use various tools to create, share, like, and comment on short video clips.


The rush on the internet! 🚗
In the marketing world, the term “traffic” describes the number of visits to a website, which can be increased, for example, through search engine optimization (SEO) or through paid advertising (Search Engine Advertising, Social Ads).



A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is simply the address of a webpage and consists of the following components: the protocol (http, https), a domain (such as mindplay-marketing.de), and possibly a path (/services, /contact).


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Here you will soon find more explainable words starting with the letter W.


Here you will soon find more explainable words starting with the letter X.


Here you will soon find more explainable words starting with the letter Y.


Here you will soon find more explainable words starting with the letter Z.